Shipping Methods

  • Shipping time may be up to 4-10 weeks, please wait or contact customer service.

All orders are shipped using Global Post. Shipping rates to all Canadian and United States locations are calculated automatically by goodshopstores.com during the checkout process.

All orders placed at goodshopstores.com before 2 pm eastern Monday to Friday will be shipped that day.

Any order placed after 2 pm eastern will be shipping the following day. All orders placed on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays will be shipped the following business day.

Please check your shipping information before placing order. We are not responsible for incorrect shipping information. Any order that needs to be re-shipped will be charged at the same shipping charges that apply to the original order.
Wrong Address Charges
1. When a customer enters an incorrect address the item is undeliverable and returned to sender.

Shipping company will charge a return to sender fee, this fee will be passed onto the customer.
2. Incorrect Address that results in the order being lost - We cannot be held responsible if you enter an incorrect shipping address such that the package is shipped to another person/address and cannot be recovered.

We cannot issue refunds for address mistakes that are out of our control.  
Order Tracking
You can track your order by going to www.goodshopstores.com and clicking on the "Track a Package" Link. Once there enter the Item number you received via email from goodshopstores.com when your order has been updated to "shipped."